Spin-triplet f-wave pairing due to three-site cyclic-exchange ferromagnetic interactions

Abstract in English

Ferromagnetiam and superconductivity in a two-dimensional triangular-lattice Hubbard model are studied using the density-matrix renormalization group method. We propose a mechanism of the {it f}-wave spin-triplet pairing derived from the three-site cyclic-exchange ferromagnetic interactions. We point out that a triangular network of hopping integrals, which is required for the three-site cyclic hopping processes, is contained in the (possibly) spin-triplet superconducting systems, such as Bechgaard salts (TMTSF)$_2$X, cobalt oxide Na$_{0.35}$CoO$_2$$cdot$1.3H$_2$O, and layered perovskite Sr$_2$RuO$_4$.
