Hydrostatic pressure study of the structural phase transitions and superconductivity in single crystals of (Ba1-xKx)Fe2As2 (x = 0 and 0.45) and CaFe2As2

Abstract in English

We studied the effect of hydrostatic pressure (P) on the structural phase transitions and superconductivity in the ternary and pseudo-ternary iron arsenides CaFe2As2, BaFe2As2, and (Ba0.55K0.45)Fe2As2, by means of measurements of electrical resistivity (rho) in the 1.8 - 300 K temperature (T) range, pressures up to 20 kbar, and magnetic fields up to 9 T. CaFe2As2 and BaFe2As2 (lightly doped with Sn) display structural phase transitions near 170 K and 85 K, respectively, and do not exhibit superconductivity in ambient pressure, while K-doped (Ba0.55K0.45)Fe2As2 is superconducting for T < 30 K. The effect of pressure on BaFe2As2 is to shift the onset of the crystallographic transformation down in temperature at the rate of about -1.04 K/kbar, while shifting the whole rho(T) curves downward, whereas its effect on superconducting (Ba0.55K0.45)Fe2As2 is to shift the onset of superconductivity to lower temperatures at the rate of about -0.21 K/kbar. The effect of pressure on CaFe2As2 is first to suppress the crystallographic transformation and induce superconductivity with onset near 12 K very rapidly, i.e., for P < 5 kbar. However, higher pressures bring about another phase transformation characterized by reduced resistivity, and the suppression of superconductivity, confining superconductivity to a narrow pressure dome centered near 5 kbar. Upper critical field (Hc2) data in (Ba0.55K0.45)Fe2As2 and CaFe2As2 are discussed.
