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New Variable Stars on Digitized Moscow Collection Plates. Field 66 Ophiuchi (Northern Half)

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 Added by Kirill Sokolovsky
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We initiated digitization of the Moscow collection of astronomical plates using flatbed scanners. Techniques of photographic photometry of the digital images were applied, enabling an effective search for new variable stars. Our search for new variables among 140000 stars in the 10 x 5 degrees northern half of the field centered at 66 Oph, photographed with the Sternberg Institutes 40-cm astrograph in 1976--1995, gave 274 new discoveries, among them: 2 probable Population II Cepheids; 81 eclipsing variables; 5 high-amplitude Delta Scuti stars (HADSs); 82 RR Lyr stars; 62 red irregular variables and 41 red semiregular stars; 1 slow irregular variable not red in color. Light elements were determined for periodic variable stars. We detected about 30 variability suspects for follow-up CCD observations, confirmed 11 stars from the New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars, and derived new light elements for 2 stars already contained in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars.

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Photographic plate archives contain a wealth of information about positions and brightness celestial objects had decades ago. Plate digitization is necessary to make this information accessible, but extracting it is a technical challenge. We develop algorithms used to extract photometry with the accuracy of better than ~0.1m in the magnitude range 13<B<17 from photographic images obtained in 1948-1996 with the 40cm Sternberg institutes astrograph (30x30cm plate size, 10x10deg field of view) and digitized using a flatbed scanner. The extracted photographic lightcurves are used to identify thousands of new high-amplitude (>0.2m) variable stars. The algorithms are implemented in the free software VaST available at
We identify 339 known and 316 new variable stars of various types among 250000 lightcurves obtained by digitizing 167 30x30cm photographic plates of the Moscow collection. We use these data to conduct a comprehensive test of 18 statistical characteristics (variability indices) in search for the best general-purpose variability detection statistic. We find that the highest peak on the DFT periodogram, interquartile range, median absolute deviation, and Stetsons L index are the most efficient in recovering variable objects from the set of photographic lightcurves used in our test.
We report the results of photometric monitoring of the Melotte 66 field in BVI filters. Ten variables were identified with nine being new discoveries. The sample includes eight eclipsing binaries of which four are W UMa type stars, one star is a candidate blue straggler. All four contact binaries are likely members of the cluster based on their estimated distances. Ten blue stars with U-B<-0.3 were detected inside a 14.8 x 22.8 arcmin^2 field centred on the cluster. Time series photometry for 7 of them showed no evidence for any variability. The brightest object in the sample of blue stars is a promising candidate for a hot subdwarf belonging to the cluster. We show that the anomalously wide main sequence of the cluster, reported in some earlier studies, results from a combination of two effects: variable reddening occuring across the cluster field and the presence of a rich population of binary stars in the cluster itself. The density profile of the cluster field is derived and the total number of member stars with 16<V<21 or 2.8<M_{V}<7.8 is estimated conservatively at about 1100.
Online Digital Sky Survey (DSS) material is often used to obtain information on newly discovered variable stars for older epochs (e.g. Nova progenitors, flare stars, ...). We present here the results of an investigation of photometry on online digital sky survey material in small fields calibrated by CCD sequences. We compared different source extraction mechanisms and found, that even down near to the sensitivity limit, despite the H-compression used for the online material, photometry with an accuracy better than 0fm1 rms is possible on DSS-II. Our investigation shows that the accuracy depends strongly on the source extraction method. The SuperCOSMOS scans, although retrieved with an higher spatial resolution, do not give us better results. The methods and parameters presented here, allow the user to obtain good plate photometry in small fields down to the Schmidt plate survey limits with a few bright CCD calibrators, which may be calibrated with amateur size telescopes. Especially for the events mentioned above, new field photometry for calibration purposes mostly exists, but the progenitors were not measured photometrically before. Also the follow up whether stellar concentrations are newly detected clusters or similar work may be done without using mid size telescopes. The calibration presented here is a local one for small fields. We show that this method presented here gives higher accuracies than global calibrations of surveys (e.g. GSC-II, SuperCOSMOS and USNO-B)
We use a time-dependent hydrodynamic code and a non-LTE Monte Carlo code to model disk dissipation for the Be star 66 Ophiuchi. We compiled 63 years of observations from 1957 to 2020 to encompass the complete history of the growth and subsequent dissipation of the stars disk. Our models are constrained by new and archival photometry, spectroscopy and polarization observations, allowing us to model the disk dissipation event. Using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, we find 66 Oph is consistent with standard B2Ve stellar properties. We computed a grid of 61568 Be star disk models to constrain the density profile of the disk before dissipation using observations of the H$alpha$ line profile and SED. We find at the onset of dissipation the disk has a base density of $2.5times10^{-11} rm{g cm^{-3}}$ with a radial power-law index of $n=2.6$. Our models indicate that after 21 years of disk dissipation 66 Ophs outer disk remained present and bright in the radio. We find an isothermal disk with constant viscosity with an $alpha = 0.4$ and an outer disk radius of $sim$115 stellar radii best reproduces the rate of 66 Ophs disk dissipation. We determined the interstellar polarization in the direction of the star in the V-band is $p=0.63 pm 0.02%$ with a polarization position angle of $theta_{IS}approx85.7 pm 0.7^circ$. Using the Stokes QU diagram, we find the intrinsic polarization position angle of 66 Ophs disk is $theta_{int}approx98 pm 3^circ$.
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