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Measuring the undetectable: Proper motions and parallaxes of very faint sources

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 Added by David W. Hogg
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Dustin Lang

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The near future of astrophysics involves many large solid-angle, multi-epoch, multi-band imaging surveys. These surveys will, at their faint limits, have data on large numbers of sources that are too faint to be detected at any individual epoch. Here we show that it is possible to measure in multi-epoch data not only the fluxes and positions, but also the parallaxes and proper motions of sources that are too faint to be detected at any individual epoch. The method involves fitting a model of a moving point source simultaneously to all imaging, taking account of the noise and point-spread function in each image. By this method it is possible to measure the proper motion of a point source with an uncertainty close to the minimum possible uncertainty given the information in the data, which is limited by the point-spread function, the distribution of observation times (epochs), and the total signal-to-noise in the combined data. We demonstrate our technique on multi-epoch Sloan Digital Sky Survey imaging of the SDSS Southern Stripe. We show that we can distinguish very red brown dwarfs by their proper motions from very high-redshift quasars more than $1.6mag$ fainter than with traditional technique on these SDSS data, and with better better fidelity than by multi-band imaging alone. We re-discover all 10 known brown dwarfs in our sample and present 9 new candidate brown dwarfs, identified on the basis of high proper motion.

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Astrometry can bring powerful constraints to bear on a variety of scientific questions about neutron stars, including their origins, astrophysics, evolution, and environments. Using phase-referenced observations at the VLBA, in conjunction with pulsar gating and in-beam calibration, we have measured the parallaxes and proper motions for 14 pulsars. The smallest measured parallax in our sample is 0.13+-0.02 mas for PSR B1541+09, which has a most probable distance of 7.2+1.3-1.1 kpc. We detail our methods, including initial VLA surveys to select candidates and find in-beam calibrators, VLBA phase-referencing, pulsar gating, calibration, and data reduction. The use of the bootstrap method to estimate astrometric uncertainties in the presence of unmodeled systematic errors is also described. Based on our new model-independent estimates for distance and transverse velocity, we investigate the kinematics and birth sites of the pulsars and revisit models of the Galactic electron density distribution. We find that young pulsars are moving away from the Galactic plane, as expected, and that age estimates from kinematics and pulsar spindown are generally in agreement, with certain notable exceptions. Given its present trajectory, the pulsar B2045-16 was plausibly born in the open cluster NGC 6604. For several high-latitude pulsars, the NE2001 electron density model underestimates the parallax distances by a factor of two, while in others the estimates agree with or are larger than the parallax distances, suggesting that the interstellar medium is irregular on relevant length scales. The VLBA astrometric results for the recycled pulsar J1713+0747 are consistent with two independent estimates from pulse timing, enabling a consistency check between the different reference frames.
94 - M. W. Feast 1997
A summary is given of an analysis of the Hipparcos trigonometrical parallaxes and proper motions of classical Cepheids. It is possible for the first time to derive zero-points for the period-luminosity and period-luminosity-colour relations from parallaxes alone, avoiding the problems of less direct methods. The results imply an increase of 8 to 10 percent in the extragalactic distance scale based on Cepheids. The proper motions are used to derive the constants of galactic rotation. Comparison with radial velocity data leads to a confirmation of the Cepheid distance scale derived from the parallaxes and indicates a kinematic distance to the galactic centre of 8.5 +/- 0.5 kpc. From the new Cepheid distances to the LMC and M31, the absolute magnitude of RR Lyrae variables in metal-poor globular clusters is derived. Applying this to data on metal-poor clusters in our own Galaxy leads to an age of about 11 Gyr for these clusters, considerably less than previously thought. Other evidence from Hipparcos on these matters is briefly reviewed and it is suggested that the Cepheid results currently provide the most reliable scale on which to base distances and ages.
173 - Joshua D. Simon 2018
The second data release from the Gaia mission (DR2) provides a comprehensive and unprecedented picture of the motions of astronomical sources in the plane of the sky, extending from the solar neighborhood to the outer reaches of the Milky Way. I present proper motion measurements based on Gaia DR2 for 17 ultra-faint dwarf galaxies within 100 kpc of the Milky Way. I compile the spectroscopically-confirmed member stars in each dwarf bright enough for Gaia astrometry from the literature, producing member samples ranging from 2 stars in Triangulum II to 68 stars in Bootes I. From the spectroscopic member catalogs I estimate the proper motion of each system. I find good agreement with the proper motions derived by the Gaia collaboration for Bootes I and Leo I. The tangential velocities for 14 of the 17 dwarfs are determined to better than 50 km/s, more than doubling the sample of such measurements for Milky Way satellite galaxies. The orbital pericenters are well-constrained, with a median value of 38 kpc. Only one satellite, Tucana III, is on an orbit passing within 15 kpc of the Galactic center, suggesting that the remaining ultra-faint dwarfs are unlikely to have experienced severe tidal stripping. As a group, the ultra-faint dwarfs are on high-velocity, eccentric, retrograde trajectories, with nearly all of them having space motions exceeding 370 km/s. In a low-mass (M_vir = 0.8 x 10^12 M_sun) Milky Way potential, eight out of the 17 galaxies lack well-defined apocenters and appear likely to be on their first infall, indicating that the Milky Way mass may be larger than previously estimated or that many of the ultra-faint dwarfs are associated with the Magellanic Clouds. The median eccentricity of the ultra-faint dwarf orbits is 0.79, similar to the values seen in numerical simulations, but distinct from the rounder orbits of the more luminous dwarf spheroidals.
We present a pilot study of Galactic globular cluster (GC) proper motion (PM) determinations using Gaia data. We search for GC stars in the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS) catalogue from Gaia Data Release 1 (DR1), and identify five members of NGC104 (47 Tucanae), one member of NGC5272 (M3), five members of NGC6121 (M4), seven members of NGC6397, and two members of NGC6656 (M22). By taking a weighted average of member stars, fully accounting for the correlations between parameters, we estimate the parallax (and, hence, distance) and PM of the GCs. This provides a homogeneous PM study of multiple GCs based on an astrometric catalog with small and well-controlled systematic errors, and yields random PM errors similar to existing measurements. Detailed comparison to the available Hubble Space Telescope (HST) measurements generally shows excellent agreement, validating the astrometric quality of both TGAS and HST. By contrast, comparison to ground-based measurements shows that some of those must have systematic errors exceeding the random errors. Our parallax estimates have uncertainties an order of magnitude larger than previous studies, but nevertheless imply distances consistent with previous estimates. By combining our PM measurements with literature positions, distances, and radial velocities, we measure Galactocentric space motions for the clusters and find that these also agree well with previous analyses. Our analysis provides a framework for determining more accurate distances and PMs of Galactic GCs using future Gaia data releases. This will provide crucial constraints on the near end of the cosmic distance ladder and provide accurate GC orbital histories.
Gaia Data Release 1 (Gaia DR1) contains astrometric results for more than 1 billion stars brighter than magnitude 20.7 based on observations collected by the Gaia satellite during the first 14 months of its operational phase. We give a brief overview of the astrometric content of the data release and of the model assumptions, data processing, and validation of the results. For stars in common with the Hipparcos and Tycho-2 catalogues, complete astrometric single-star solutions are obtained by incorporating positional information from the earlier catalogues. For other stars only their positions are obtained by neglecting their proper motions and parallaxes. The results are validated by an analysis of the residuals, through special validation runs, and by comparison with external data. Results. For about two million of the brighter stars (down to magnitude ~11.5) we obtain positions, parallaxes, and proper motions to Hipparcos-type precision or better. For these stars, systematic errors depending e.g. on position and colour are at a level of 0.3 milliarcsecond (mas). For the remaining stars we obtain positions at epoch J2015.0 accurate to ~10 mas. Positions and proper motions are given in a reference frame that is aligned with the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) to better than 0.1 mas at epoch J2015.0, and non-rotating with respect to ICRF to within 0.03 mas/yr. The Hipparcos reference frame is found to rotate with respect to the Gaia DR1 frame at a rate of 0.24 mas/yr. Based on less than a quarter of the nominal mission length and on very provisional and incomplete calibrations, the quality and completeness of the astrometric data in Gaia DR1 are far from what is expected for the final mission products. The results nevertheless represent a huge improvement in the available fundamental stellar data and practical definition of the optical reference frame.
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