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Soft Modes and Relaxor Ferroelectrics

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 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Relaxor ferroelectrics are difficult to study and understand. The experiment shows that at low energy scattering there is an acoustic mode, an optic mode, dynamic quasi-elastic scattering and strictly elastic scattering as well as Bragg peaks at the zone centre. We have studied the scattering using the TASP spectrometer at PSI and have analysed the data using a model with interactions between the different components particularly to determine the properties of the elastic scattering. The quasi-elastic scattering begins to become significant at the Burns temperature of 620 K. It steadily increases in intensity on cooling reaching a maximum at ~400 K. Below this temperature the strictly elastic scattering begins to increase and shows a broadened line shape characteristic of crystals in a random applied field. We show that all the results obtained from PMN for the elastic scattering are consistent with the crystal having a random field transition at ~400 K. We have obtained similar results for PMN-PT and PZN-PT suggesting that random fields of the nano-regions also play an important role in these materials.

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Relaxor ferrolectrics are important in technological applications due to a strong electromechanical response, energy storage capacity, electrocaloric effect, and pyroelectric energy conversion properties. Current efforts to discover and design new materials in this class generally rely on substitutional doping of known ferroelectrics, as slight changes to local compositional order can significantly affect the Curie temperature, morphotropic phase boundary, and electromechanical responses. In this work, we demonstrate that moving to the strong limit of compositional complexity in an ABO3 perovskite allows stabilization of novel relaxor responses that do not rely on a single narrow phase transition region. Entropy-assisted synthesis approaches are used to create single crystal Ba(Ti0.2Sn0.2Zr0.2Hf0.2Nb0.2)O3 [Ba(5B)O] films. The high levels of configurational disorder present in this system is found to influence dielectric relaxation, phase transitions, nano-polar domain formation, and Curie temperature. Temperature-dependent dielectric, Raman spectroscopy and second-harmonic generation measurements reveal multiple phase transitions, a high Curie temperature of 570 K, and the relaxor ferroelectric nature of Ba(5B)O films. The first principles theory calculations are used to predict possible combinations of cations to quantify the relative feasibility of formation of highly disordered single-phase perovskite systems. The ability to stabilize single-phase perovskites with such a large number of different cations on the B-sites offers new possibilities for designing high-performance materials for piezoelectric, pyroelectric and tunable dielectric applications.
Relaxor ferroelectrics, which can exhibit exceptional electromechanical coupling are some of the most important functional materials with applications ranging from ultrasound imaging to actuators and sensors in microelectromechanical devices. Since their discovery nearly 60 years ago, the complexity of nanoscale chemical and structural heterogeneity in these systems has made understanding the origins of their unique electromechanical properties a seemingly intractable problem. A full accounting of the mechanisms that connect local structure and chemistry with nanoscale fluctuations in polarization has, however, remained a need and a challenge. Here, we employ aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) to quantify various types of nanoscale heterogeneity and their connection to local polarization in the prototypical relaxor ferroelectric system Pb(Mg$_{1/3}$Nb$_{2/3}$)O$_{3}$-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT). We identify three main contributions that each depend on Ti content: chemical order, oxygen octahedral tilt, and oxygen octahedral distortion. These heterogeneities are found to be spatially correlated with low angle polar domain walls, indicating their role in disrupting long-range polarization. Specifically, these heterogeneities lead to nanoscale domain formation and the relaxor response. We further locate nanoscale regions of monoclinic distortion that correlate directly with Ti content and the electromechanical performance. Through this approach, the elusive connection between chemical heterogeneity, structural heterogeneity and local polarization is revealed, and the results validate models needed to develop the next generation of relaxor ferroelectric materials.
168 - Guangyong Xu 2009
Neutron and x-ray scattering studies on relaxor ferroelectric systems Pb(Zn$_{1/3}$Nb$_{2/3}$)O$_3$ (PZN), Pb(Mg$_{1/3}$Nb$_{2/3}$)O$_3$ (PMN), and their solid solutions with PbTiO$_3$ (PT) have shown that inhomogeneities and disorder play important roles in the materials properties. Although a long-range polar order can be established at low temperature - sometimes with the help of an external electric field; short-range local structures called the ``polar nano-regions (PNR) still persist. Both the bulk structure and the PNR have been studied in details. The coexistence and competition of long- and short-range polar orders and how they affect the structural and dynamical properties of relaxor materials are discussed.
We report the observation of a transparency window in the dielectric resonant absorption spectrum of the relaxor ferroelectric K1-xLixTaO3 (KLT) in the vicinity of its weakly first order transition. This phenomenon is shown to be conceptually similar to the electro-magnetically induced transparency (EIT) phenomenon observed in atomic vapors, which can be modeled classically by a driven master -slave oscillator system. In KLT, it reveals the presence of macroscopic hetero-phase fluctuations and provides unique information on the nature and mechanism of the phase transition in relaxors.
79 - S. Kamba , M. Kempa , V. Bovtun 2004
The relaxor ferroelectric PbMg1/Nb2/3O3 was investigated by means of broad-band dielectric and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) transmission spectroscopy in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 15 THz at temperatures between 20 and 900 K using PMN films on infrared transparent sapphire substrates. While thin film relaxors display reduced dielectric permittivity at low frequencies, their high frequency intrinsic or lattice response is shown to be the same as single crystal/ceramic specemins. It was observed that in contrast to the results of inelastic neutron scattering, the optic soft mode was underdamped at all temperatures. On heating, the TO1 soft phonon followed the Cochran law with an extrapolated critical temperature equal to the Burns temperature of 670 K and softened down to 50 cm-1. Above 450 K the soft mode frequency leveled off and slightly increased above the Burns temperature. A central mode, describing the dynamics of polar nanoclusters appeared below the Burns temperature at frequencies near the optic soft mode and dramatically slowed down below 1 MHz on cooling below room temperature. It broadened on cooling, giving rise to frequency independent losses in microwave and lower frequency range below the freezing temperature of 200 K. In addition, a new heavily damped mode appeared in the FTIR spectra below the soft mode frequency at room temperature and below. The origin of this mode as well as the discrepancy between the soft mode damping in neutron and infrared spectra is discussed.
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