Spin-S Kitaev model: Classical Ground States, Order by Disorder and Exact Correlation Functions

Abstract in English

In the first part of this paper, we study the spin-S Kitaev model using spin wave theory. We discover a remarkable geometry of the minimum energy surface in the N-spin space. The classical ground states, called Cartesian or CN-ground states, whose number grows exponentially with the number of spins N, form a set of points in the N-spin space. These points are connected by a network of flat valleys in the N-spin space, giving rise to a continuous family of classical ground states. Further, the CN-ground states have a correspondence with dimer coverings and with self avoiding walks on a honeycomb lattice. The zero point energy of our spin wave theory picks out a subset from a continuous family of classically degenerate states as the quantum ground states; the number of these states also grows exponentially with N. In the second part, we present some exact results. For arbitrary spin-S, we show that localized Z_2 flux excitations are present by constructing plaquette operators with eigenvalues pm 1 which commute with the Hamiltonian. This set of commuting plaquette operators leads to an exact vanishing of the spin-spin correlation functions, beyond nearest neighbor separation, found earlier for the spin-1/2 model [G. Baskaran, S. Mandal and R. Shankar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 247201 (2007)]. We introduce a generalized Jordan-Wigner transformation for the case of general spin-S, and find a complete set of commuting link operators, similar to the spin-1/2 model, thereby making the Z_2 gauge structure more manifest. The Jordan-Wigner construction also leads, in a natural fashion, to Majorana fermion operators for half-integer spin cases and hard-core boson operators for integer spin cases, strongly suggesting the presence of Majorana fermion and boson excitations in the respective low energy sectors.
