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Spectroscopic Confirmation Of An Extreme Starburst At Redshift 4.547

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 Added by Peter Capak
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report the spectroscopic confirmation of a sub-mm galaxy (SMG) at z=4.547 with an estimated L_IR=0.5-2.0x10^13 L_sun. The spectra, mid-IR, and X-ray properties indicate the bolometric luminosity is dominated by star formation at a rate of >1000M_sun per yr. Multiple, spatially separated components are visible in the Ly-Alpha line with an observed velocity difference of up to 380 km/sec and the object morphology indicates a merger. The best fit spectral energy distribution and spectral line indicators suggest the object is 2-8 Myr old and contains >10^10 M_sun of stellar mass. This object is a likely progenitor for the massive early type systems seen at z~2.

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247 - M. D. Lehnert 2010
Galaxies had their most significant impact on the Universe when they assembled their first generations of stars. Energetic photons emitted by young, massive stars in primeval galaxies ionized the intergalactic medium surrounding their host galaxies, cleared sight-lines along which the light of the young galaxies could escape, and fundamentally altered the physical state of the intergalactic gas in the Universe continuously until the present day. Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background, and of galaxies and quasars at the highest redshifts, suggest that the Universe was reionised through a complex process that was completed about a billion years after the Big Bang, by redshift z~6. Detecting ionizing Ly-alpha photons from increasingly distant galaxies places important constraints on the timing, location and nature of the sources responsible for reionisation. Here we report the detection of Ly-a photons emitted less than 600 million years after the Big Bang. UDFy-38135539 is at a redshift z=8.5549+-0.0002, which is greater than those of the previously known most distant objects, at z=8.2 and z=6.97. We find that this single source is unlikely to provide enough photons to ionize the volume necessary for the emission line to escape, requiring a significant contribution from other, probably fainter galaxies nearby.
Within one billion years of the Big Bang, intergalactic hydrogen was ionized by sources emitting ultraviolet and higher energy photons. This was the final phenomenon to globally affect all the baryons (visible matter) in the Universe. It is referred to as cosmic reionization and is an integral component of cosmology. It is broadly expected that intrinsically faint galaxies were the primary ionizing sources due to their abundance in this epoch. However, at the highest redshifts ($z>7.5$; lookback time 13.1 Gyr), all galaxies with spectroscopic confirmations to date are intrinsically bright and, therefore, not necessarily representative of the general population. Here, we report the unequivocal spectroscopic detection of a low luminosity galaxy at $z>7.5$. We detected the Lyman-$alpha$ emission line at $sim 10504$ {AA} in two separate observations with MOSFIRE on the Keck I Telescope and independently with the Hubble Space Telescopes slit-less grism spectrograph, implying a source redshift of $z = 7.640 pm 0.001$. The galaxy is gravitationally magnified by the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1423.8+2404 ($z = 0.545$), with an estimated intrinsic luminosity of $M_{AB} = -19.6 pm 0.2$ mag and a stellar mass of $M_{star} = 3.0^{+1.5}_{-0.8} times 10^8$ solar masses. Both are an order of magnitude lower than the four other Lyman-$alpha$ emitters currently known at $z > 7.5$, making it probably the most distant representative source of reionization found to date.
We present VLT FORS1 and FORS2 spectra of 39 candidate high-redshift supernovae that were discovered as part of a cosmological study using Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) over a wide range of redshifts. From the spectra alone, 20 candidates are spectrally classified as SNe Ia with redshifts ranging from z=0.212 to z=1.181. Of the remaining 19 candidates, 1 might be a Type II supernova and 11 exhibit broad supernova-like spectral features and/or have supernova-like light curves. The candidates were discovered in 8 separate ground-based searches. In those searches in which SNe Ia at z ~ 0.5 were targeted, over 80% of the observed candidates were spectrally classified as SNe Ia. In those searches in which SNe Ia with z > 1 were targeted, 4 candidates with z > 1 were spectrally classified as SNe Ia and later followed with ground and space based observatories. We present the spectra of all candidates, including those that could not be spectrally classified as supernova.
Context:Quasars radiating at extreme Eddington ratios (xA) are likely a prime mover of galactic evolution and have been hailed as potential distance indicators. Their properties are still scarcely known. Aims:We test the effectiveness of the selection criteria defined on the 4D Eigenvector 1 (4DE1) for identifying xA sources. We provide a quantitative description of their UV spectra in the redshift range 2<z<2.9. Methods:19 extreme quasar candidates were identified using 4DE1 selection criteria applied to SDSS spectra: AlIII1860/SiIII]1892>0.5 and CIII]1909/SiIII]1892<1. The emission line spectra was studied using multicomponent fits of deep spectroscopic observations obtained with the OSIRIS-GTC. Results:Spectra confirm that almost all of these quasars are xA sources with very similar properties. We provide spectrophotometric and line profile measurements for the SiIV1397+OIV]1402, CIV1549+HeII1640, and the 1900A blend composed by AlIII1860, SiIII]1892, FeIII and a weak CIII]1909. The spectra can be characterized as very low ionization (logU~-3), a condition that explains the significant FeIII emission. CIV1549 shows low equivalent width (<30 A for the most sources), and high or extreme blueshift amplitudes (-5000<c(1/2)<-1000 kms-1). Weak-lined quasars appear as extreme xA quasars and not as an independent class. The CIV1549 high amplitude blueshifts coexists in all cases save one with symmetric and narrower AlIII and SiIII] profiles. Estimates of the Eddington ratio using the AlIII FWHM as a virial broadening estimator are consistent with the ones of a previous xA sample. Conclusions:It is now feasible to assemble large samples of xA quasars from the latest data releases of the SDSS. We provide evidence that AlIII1860 could be associated with a low-ionization virialized sub-system, supporting previous suggestions that AlIII is a reliable virial broadening estimator.
We report the spectroscopic confirmation of a new protocluster in the COSMOS field at $z$ $sim$ 2.2, COSMOS Cluster 2.2 (CC2.2), originally identified as an overdensity of narrowband selected H$alpha$ emitting candidates. With only two masks of Keck/MOSFIRE near-IR spectroscopy in both $H$ ($sim$ 1.47-1.81 $mu$m) and $K$ ($sim$ 1.92-2.40 $mu$m) bands ($sim$ 1.5 hour each), we confirm 35 unique protocluster members with at least two emission lines detected with S/N $>$ 3. Combined with 12 extra members from the zCOSMOS-deep spectroscopic survey (47 in total), we estimate a mean redshift and a line-of-sight velocity dispersion of $z_{mean}$=2.23224 $pm$ 0.00101 and $sigma_{los}$=645 $pm$ 69 km s$^{-1}$ for this protocluster, respectively. Assuming virialization and spherical symmetry for the system, we estimate a total mass of $M_{vir}$ $sim$ $(1-2) times$10$^{14}$ $M_{odot}$ for the structure. We evaluate a number density enhancement of $delta_{g}$ $sim$ 7 for this system and we argue that the structure is likely not fully virialized at $z$ $sim$ 2.2. However, in a spherical collapse model, $delta_{g}$ is expected to grow to a linear matter enhancement of $sim$ 1.9 by $z$=0, exceeding the collapse threshold of 1.69, and leading to a fully collapsed and virialized Coma-type structure with a total mass of $M_{dyn}$($z$=0) $sim$ 9.2$times$10$^{14}$ $M_{odot}$ by now. This observationally efficient confirmation suggests that large narrowband emission-line galaxy surveys, when combined with ancillary photometric data, can be used to effectively trace the large-scale structure and protoclusters at a time when they are mostly dominated by star-forming galaxies.
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