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Magnetization profile and core level spectroscopy in a multiply quantized vortex of imbalanced Fermi superfluids

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 Added by Takeshi Mizushima
 Publication date 2008
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The core structure of multiply quantized vortices is theoretically investigated in fermionic superfluid near Feshbach resonance. Under population imbalance in two hyperfine spin states, the vortex core is filled in by the ``paramagnetic moment. Here, we find the spatial oscillation of the magnetization inside the core sensitively due to the topological structure of the pairing field, in the range from the weak coupling regime to the unitary limit. This magnetization inside the giant core reveals the winding number of the vortex and directly results from the low-lying quasiparticle states bound inside the core. It is therefore proposed that the density profile experiment using phase contrast imaging can provide the spectroscopy of novel core level structures in giant vortices. To help the understanding on these outcomes, we also derive the analytic solution for the low-lying quasiparticle states inside the core of a multiply quantized vortex.

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We compute the orbital angular momentum $L_z$ of an s-wave paired superfluid in the presence of an axisymmetric multiply quantized vortex. For vortices with winding number $|k| > 1$, we find that in the weak-pairing BCS regime $L_z$ is significantly reduced from its value $hbar N k/2$ in the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) regime, where $N$ is the total number of fermions. This deviation results from the presence of unpaired fermions in the BCS ground state, which arise as a consequence of spectral flow along the vortex sub-gap states. We support our results analytically and numerically by solving the Bogoliubov-de-Gennes equations within the weak-pairing BCS regime.
Cooper-pair formation in a system of imbalanced fermions leads to the well-studied Fulde-Ferrell or Larkin-Ovchinnikov superfluid state. In the former case the system forms spontaneous phase gradients while in the latter case it forms a stripelike or a crystal-like density gradient. We show that in multicomponent imbalanced mixtures, the superfluid states can be very different from the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states. The system generates gradients in both densities and phases by forming three-dimensional vortex-antivortex lattices or lattices of linked vortex loops. The solutions share some properties with the ostensibly unrelated Skyrme model of densely packed baryons and can be viewed as synthetic realization of nuclear Skyrme matter.
We revisit the fundamental problem of the splitting instability of a doubly quantized vortex in uniform single-component superfluids at zero temperature. We analyze the system-size dependence of the excitation frequency of a doubly quantized vortex through large-scale simulations of the Bogoliubov--de Gennes equation, and find that the system remains dynamically unstable even in the infinite-system-size limit. Perturbation and semi-classical theories reveal that the splitting instability radiates a damped oscillatory phonon as an opposite counterpart of a quasi-normal mode.
We discuss collective excitations (both fundamental and solitonic excitations) of quantized superfluid vortices in neutron $^3P_2$ superfluids, which likely exist in high density neutron matter such as neutron stars. Besides the well-known Kelvin modes (translational zero modes), we find a gapfull mode whose low-energy description takes the simple form of a double sine-Gordon model. The associated kink solution and its effects on spontaneous magnetization inside the vortex core are analyzed in detail.
We theoretically study the dependence of the quasiparticle (QP) scattering rate $varGamma$ on the uniaxial anisotropy of a Fermi surface with changing the magnetic field angle $alpha_{rm M}$. We consider the QP scattering due to the non-magnetic impurities inside a single vortex core. The field-angle dependence of the quasiparticle scattering rate $varGamma(alpha_{rm M})$ is sensitive to the sign-change of the pair potential. We show that with increasing the two dimensionality of the system, $varGamma(alpha_{rm M})$ reflects more clearly whether there is the sign-change in the pair potential.
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