How the Intracluster Medium Affects the Far-Infrared--Radio Correlation within Virgo Cluster Galaxies

Abstract in English

We present a study on the effects of the intracluster medium (ICM) on the interstellar medium (ISM) of 10 Virgo cluster galaxies using {it Spitzer} far-infrared (FIR) and VLA radio continuum imaging. Relying on the FIR-radio correlation {it within} normal galaxies, we use our infrared data to create model radio maps which we compare to the observed radio images. For 6 of our sample galaxies we find regions along their outer edges that are highly deficient in the radio compared with our models. We believe these observations are the signatures of ICM ram pressure. For NGC 4522 we find the radio deficit region to lie just exterior to a region of high radio polarization and flat radio spectral index, however the total radio continuum in this region does not appear significantly enhanced. This scenario seems consistent for other galaxies with radio polarization data in the literature. We also find that galaxies having local radio deficits appear to have enhanced global radio fluxes. Our preferred physical picture is that the observed radio deficit regions arise from the ICM wind sweeping away cosmic-ray (CR) electrons and the associated magnetic field, thereby creating synchrotron tails observed for some of our galaxies. CR particles are also re-accelerated by ICM-driven shocklets behind the observed radio deficit regions which in turn enhances the remaining radio disk brightness. The high radio polarization and lack of coincidental signatures in the total synchrotron power in these regions arises from shear, and possibly mild compression, as the ICM wind drags and stretches the magnetic field.
