Phase Diagram of the 3D Bimodal Random-Field Ising Model

Abstract in English

The one-parametric Wang-Landau (WL) method is implemented together with an extrapolation scheme to yield approximations of the two-dimensional (exchange-energy, field-energy) density of states (DOS) of the 3D bimodal random-field Ising model (RFIM). The present approach generalizes our earlier WL implementations, by handling the final stage of the WL process as an entropic sampling scheme, appropriate for the recording of the required two-parametric histograms. We test the accuracy of the proposed extrapolation scheme and then apply it to study the size-shift behavior of the phase diagram of the 3D bimodal RFIM. We present a finite-size converging approach and a well-behaved sequence of estimates for the critical disorder strength. Their asymptotic shift-behavior yields the critical disorder strength and the associated correlation lengths exponent, in agreement with previous estimates from ground-state studies of the model.
