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Having a far detector in Korea for the J-PARC neutrino beam in addition to one at Kamioka has been shown to be a powerful way to lift neutrino parameter ($Delta m^2$ and mixing angles) degeneracies. In this talk, I report the sensitivity of the same experimental setup to nonstandard neutrino physics, such as quantum decoherence, violation of Lorentz symmetry (with/without CPT invariance), and nonstandard neutrino interactions with matter. In many cases, two detector setup is better than one detector setup at SK. This observation makes another support for the two detector setup.
We present a detailed analysis on nonstandard neutrino interactions (NSI) with electrons including all muon and electron (anti)-neutrino data from existing accelerators and reactors, in conjunction with the ``neutrino counting data (e- e+ -> nu nu gamma) from the four LEP collaborations. First we perform a one-parameter-at-a-time analysis, showing how most constraints improve with respect to previous results reported in the literature. We also present more robust results where the NSI parameters are allowed to vary freely in the analysis. We show the importance of combining LEP data with the other experiments in removing degeneracies in the global analysis constraining flavor-conserving NSI parameters which, at 90 % and 95 % C.L., must lie within unique allowed regions. Despite such improved constraints, there is still substantial room for improvement, posing a big challenge for upcoming experiments.
New limits on the weak mixing angle and on the electron neutrino effective charge radius in the low energy regime, below 100 MeV, are obtained from a combined fit of all electron-(anti)neutrino electron elastic scattering measurements. We have included the recent TEXONO measurement with a CsI (Tl) detector. Only statistical error of this measurement has been taken into account. Weak mixing angle is found to be sin^2 theta_W = 0.255 +0.022 -0.023. The electron neutrino effective charge radius squared is bounded to be r^2 = (0.9 +0.9 -1.0) x 10^{-32} cm^2. The sensitivity of future low energy neutrino experiments to nonstandard interactions of neutrinos with quarks is also discussed.
The muon decay-at-rest ($mu$-DAR) facility provides us with an ideal platform to probe purely muonic charged-current nonstandard neutrino interactions (NSIs). We propose to probe this class of NSI effects using antineutrinos from a $mu$-DAR source in conjunction with neutrinos from the future Tokai to Kamioka superbeam experiment with megaton Hyper Kamiokande detector (T2HK). Even though muonic NSIs are absent in neutrino production at T2HK, we show that our proposed hybrid setup comprising $mu$-DAR and T2HK helps in alleviating the parameter degeneracies that can arise in data. Analytic considerations reveal that the oscillation probability is most sensitive to the NSI parameter in the $mu$-e sector. For this parameter, we show that the $mu$-DAR setup can improve on the existing bounds down to around 0.01, especially when the data are combined with neutrino data from T2HK experiment due to the lifting of parameter degeneracies. The high precision with which $mu$-DAR can measure $delta_{rm{CP}}$ is shown to be robust even in the presence of the considered NSIs. Finally, we show that the combination of $mu$-DAR along with T2HK can also be used to put mild constraints on the NSI phase in the vicinity of the maximal CP-violating value for the chosen benchmark value of $varepsilon^{mu e}_{mu e}=0.01$.
The possibility off measuring for the first time neutrino-nuclei coherent scattering has been recently discussed by several experimental collaborations. It is shown that such a measurement may be very sensitive to non-standard interactions of neutrinos with quarks and might set better constraints than those coming from future neutrino factory experiments. We also comment on other types of new physics tests, such as extra heavy neutral gauge bosons, where the sensitivity to some models is slightly better than the Tevatron constraint and, therefore, could give complementary bounds.
Monojet events at colliders have been used to probe models of dark matter and extra dimensions. We point out that these events also probe extensions of the Standard Model modifying neutrino-quark interactions. Such nonstandard interactions (NSI) have been discussed in connection with neutrino oscillation experiments. Assuming first that NSI remain contact at LHC energies, we derive stringent bounds that approach the levels suggested by the Boron-8 solar data. We next explore the possibility that the mediators of the NSI can be produced at colliders. The constraints are found to be strongest for mediator masses in the 10^2-10^3 GeV range, with the best bounds above ~ 200 GeV coming from ATLAS and below from CDF. For mediators with masses below 30 GeV the monojet bounds are weaker than in the contact limit. These results also directly apply to light dark matter searches. Lastly, we discuss how neutrino NSI can be distinguished from dark matter or Kaluza-Klein states with charged lepton searches.