On the appearance of Eisenstein series through degeneration

Abstract in English

Let $Gamma$ be a Fuchsian group of the first kind acting on the hyperbolic upper half plane $mathbb H$, and let $M = Gamma backslash mathbb H$ be the associated finite volume hyperbolic Riemann surface. If $gamma$ is parabolic, there is an associated (parabolic) Eisenstein series, which, by now, is a classical part of mathematical literature. If $gamma$ is hyperbolic, then, following ideas due to Kudla-Millson, there is a corresponding hyperbolic Eisenstein series. In this article, we study the limiting behavior of parabolic and hyperbolic Eisenstein series on a degenerating family of finite volume hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. In particular, we prove the following result. If $gamma in Gamma$ corresponds to a degenerating hyperbolic element, then a multiple of the associated hyperbolic Eisenstein series converges to parabolic Eisenstein series on the limit surface.
