Capacity Bounds for Peak-Constrained Multiantenna Wideband Channels

Abstract in English

We derive bounds on the noncoherent capacity of a very general class of multiple-input multiple-output channels that allow for selectivity in time and frequency as well as for spatial correlation. The bounds apply to peak-constrained inputs; they are explicit in the channels scattering function, are useful for a large range of bandwidth, and allow to coarsely identify the capacity-optimal combination of bandwidth and number of transmit antennas. Furthermore, we obtain a closed-form expression for the first-order Taylor series expansion of capacity in the limit of infinite bandwidth. From this expression, we conclude that in the wideband regime: (i) it is optimal to use only one transmit antenna when the channel is spatially uncorrelated; (ii) rank-one statistical beamforming is optimal if the channel is spatially correlated; and (iii) spatial correlation, be it at the transmitter, the receiver, or both, is beneficial.
