SMA Imaging of the Maser Emission from the H30$alpha$ Radio Recombination Line in MWC349A

Abstract in English

We used the Submillimeter Array to map the angular distribution of the H30$alpha$ recombination line (231.9 GHz) in the circumstellar region of the peculiar star MWC349A. The resolution was $1farcs2$, but because of high signal-to-noise ratio we measured the positions of all maser components to accuracies better than $0farcs01$, at a velocity resolution of $1 kms$. The two strongest maser components (called high velocity components) at velocities near -14 and $32 kms$ are separated by $0farcs048 pm 0farcs001$ (60 AU) along a position angle of $102 pm 1arcdeg$. The distribution of maser emission at velocities between and beyond these two strongest components were also provided. The continuum emission lies at the center of the maser distribution to within 10 mas. The masers appear to trace a nearly edge-on rotating disk structure, reminiscent of the water masers in Keplerian rotation in the nuclear accretion disk of the galaxy NGC4258. However, the maser components in MWC349A do not follow a simple Keplerian kinematic prescription with $v sim r^{-1/2}$, but have a larger power law index. We explore the possibility that the high velocity masers trace spiral density or shock waves. We also emphasize caution in the interpretation of relative centroid maser positions where the maser is not clearly resolved in position or velocity, and we present simulations that illustrate the range of applicability of the centroiding method.
