X-ray Resonant Scattering Study of the Order Parameters in Multiferroic TbMnO$_3$

Abstract in English

We report on an extensive investigation of the multiferroic compound TbMnO$_3$. Non-resonant x-ray magnetic scattering (NRXMS) revealed a dominant $A$-type domain. The temperature dependence of the intensity and wavevector associated with the incommensurate magnetic order was found to be in good agreement with neutron scattering data. XRS experiments were performed in the vicinity of the Mn $K$ and Tb $L_3$ edges in the high-temperature collinear phase, the intermediate temperature cycloidal/ferroelectric phase, and the low-temperature phase. In the collinear phase resonant $E1-E1$ satellites were found at the Mn $K$ edge associated with $A$-type but also $F$-type peaks. The azimuthal dependence of the $F$-type satellites (and their absence in the NRXMS experiments) indicates that they are most likely non-magnetic in origin. We suggest instead that they may be associated with an induced charge multipole. At the Tb $L_3$ edge resonant $A$- and $F$-type satellites ($E1-E1$) were observed in the collinear phase. These we attribute to a polarisation of the Tb 5$d$ states by the ordering of the Mn sublattice. In the cycloidal/ferroelectric phase a new set of resonant satellites appear corresponding to $C$-type order. These appear at the Tb $L_3$ edge only. In addition to a dominant $E1-E1$ component in the $sigma-pi^prime$ channel, a weaker component is found in the pre-edge with $sigma-sigma^prime$ polarization. Calculations of the XRS were performed using the $FDMNES$ code showing that the unrotated $sigma-sigma^prime$ component of the Tb $L_3$ $C$-type peaks appearing in the ferroelectric phase contains a contribution from a multipole that is odd with respect to both space and time, known in various contexts as the anapole.
