Strong Law of Large Numbers for branching diffusions

Abstract in English

Let $X$ be the branching particle diffusion corresponding to the operator $Lu+beta (u^{2}-u)$ on $Dsubseteq mathbb{R}^{d}$ (where $beta geq 0$ and $beta otequiv 0$). Let $lambda_{c}$ denote the generalized principal eigenvalue for the operator $L+beta $ on $D$ and assume that it is finite. When $lambda_{c}>0$ and $L+beta-lambda_{c}$ satisfies certain spectral theoretical conditions, we prove that the random measure $exp {-lambda_{c}t}X_{t}$ converges almost surely in the vague topology as $t$ tends to infinity. This result is motivated by a cluster of articles due to Asmussen and Hering dating from the mid-seventies as well as the more recent work concerning analogous results for superdiffusions of cite{ET,EW}. We extend significantly the results in cite{AH76,AH77} and include some key examples of the branching process literature. As far as the proofs are concerned, we appeal to modern techniques concerning martingales and `spine decompositions or `immortal particle pictures.
