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Calculating the image of the second Johnson-Morita representation

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 Added by Nathan Broaddus
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is English

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Johnson has defined a surjective homomorphism from the Torelli subgroup of the mapping class group of the surface of genus $g$ with one boundary component to $wedge^3 H$, the third exterior product of the homology of the surface. Morita then extended Johnsons homomorphism to a homomorphism from the entire mapping class group to ${1/2} wedge^3 H semi sp(H)$. This Johnson-Morita homomorphism is not surjective, but its image is finite index in ${1/2} wedge^3 H semi sp(H)$. Here we give a description of the exact image of Moritas homomorphism. Further, we compute the image of the handlebody subgroup of the mapping class group under the same map.

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In our earlier paper (K. Eda, U. Karimov, and D. Repovv{s}, emph{A construction of simply connected noncontractible cell-like two-dimensional Peano continua}, Fund. Math. textbf{195} (2007), 193--203) we introduced a cone-like space $SC(Z)$. In the present note we establish some new algebraic properties of $SC(Z)$.
We develop a theory of equivariant group presentations and relate them to the second homology group of a group. Our main application says that the second homology group of the Torelli subgroup of the mapping class group is finitely generated as an $Sp(2g,mathbb{Z})$-module.
188 - Andrew Putman 2011
Let $Gamma$ be a finite-index subgroup of the mapping class group of a closed genus $g$ surface that contains the Torelli group. For instance, $Gamma$ can be the level $L$ subgroup or the spin mapping class group. We show that $H_2(Gamma;Q) cong Q$ for $g geq 5$. A corollary of this is that the rational Picard groups of the associated finite covers of the moduli space of curves are equal to $Q$. We also prove analogous results for surface with punctures and boundary components.
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230 - Tomoyuki Tamura 2014
In this paper we consider symmetric powers representation and exterior powers representation of finite groups, which generated by the representation which has finite dimension over the complex field. We calculate the multiplicity of irreducible component of two representations of some representation by using a character theory of representation and a pre-lambda-ring, for example, the regular representation.
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