Fields and Filaments in the Core of the Centaurus Cluster

Abstract in English

We present high resolution images of the Faraday Rotation Measure (RM) structure of the radio galaxy PKS 1246-410, at the center of the Centaurus cluster. Comparison with Halpha-line and soft X-ray emission reveals a correspondence between the line-emitting gas, the soft X-ray emitting gas, regions with an excess in the RM images, and signs of depolarization. Magnetic field strengths of 25 microG, organized on scales of ~1 kpc, and intermixed with gas at a temperature of 5 x 10^6 K with a density of ~0.1 cm^-3 can reproduce the observed RM excess, the depolarization, and the observed X-ray surface brightness. This hot gas may be in pressure equilibrium with the optical line-emitting gas, but the magnetic field strength of 25 microG associated with the hot gas provides only 10% of the thermal pressure and is therefore insufficient to account for the stability of the line-emitting filaments.
