PKS1932-46: a radio source in an interacting group?

Abstract in English

We present the results of a multiwavelength study of the z=0.23 radio source PKS1932-46. VIMOS IFU spectroscopy is used to study the morphology, kinematics and ionisation state of the EELR surrounding this source, and also a companion galaxy at a similar redshift. Near- and far-IR imaging observations obtained using the NTT and SPITZER are used to analyse the underlying galaxy morphologies and the nature of the AGN. The host galaxy is identified as an ~M* elliptical. Combining Spitzer mid-IR with X-ray, optical and near-IR imaging observations of this source, we conclude that its AGN is underluminous for a radio source of this type, despite its status as a BLRG. However, given its relatively large [OIII] luminosity it is likely that the AGN was substantially more luminous in the recent past (<10^4 years ago). The EELR is remarkably extensive and complex, reminiscent of the systems observed around sources at higher redshifts/radio powers, and the gas is predominantly ionised by a mixture of AGN photoionisation and emission from young stars. We confirm the presence of a series of star-forming knots extending N-S from the host galaxy, with more prodigious star formation occuring in the merging companion galaxy to the northeast, which has sufficient luminosity at mid- to far-IR wavelengths to be classified as a LIRG. The most plausible explanation of our observations is that PKS1932-46 is a member of an interacting galaxy group, and that the impressive EELR is populated by star-forming, tidal debris. We suggest that the AGN itself may currently be fuelled by material associated either with the current interaction, or with a previous merger event. Surprisingly, it is the companion object, rather than the radio source host galaxy, which is undergoing the bulk of the star formation activity within the group.
