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Tsallis distribution from minimally selected order statistics

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 Added by Grzegorz Wilk
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We demonstrate that selection of the minimal value of ordered variables leads in a natural way to its distribution being given by the Tsallis distribution, the same as that resulting from Tsallis nonextensive statistics. The possible application of this result to the multiparticle production processes is indicated.

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As well known, Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics is the correct way of thermostatistically approaching ergodic systems. On the other hand, nontrivial ergodicity breakdown and strong correlations typically drag the system into out-of-equilibrium states where Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics fails. For a wide class of such systems, it has been shown in recent years that the correct approach is to use Tsallis statistics instead. Here we show how the dynamics of the paradigmatic conservative (area-preserving) standard map exhibits, in an exceptionally clear manner, the crossing from one statistics to the other. Our results unambiguously illustrate the domains of validity of both Boltzmann-Gibbs and Tsallis statistics.
158 - Liyan Liu , Jiulin Du 2008
We investigate the general property of the energy fluctuation for the canonical ensemble in Tsallis statistics and the ensemble equivalence. By taking the ideal gas and the non-interacting harmonic oscillators as examples, we show that, when the particle number N is large enough, the relative fluctuation of the energy is proportional to 1/N in the new statistics, instead of square root of 1/N in Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics. Thus the equivalence between the microcanonical and the canonical ensemble still holds in Tsallis statistics.
We derive analogues of the Jarzynski equality and Crooks relation to characterise the nonequilibrium work associated with changes in the spring constant of an overdamped oscillator in a quadratically varying spatial temperature profile. The stationary state of such an oscillator is described by Tsallis statistics, and the work relations for certain processes may be expressed in terms of q-exponentials. We suggest that these identities might be a feature of nonequilibrium processes in circumstances where Tsallis distributions are found.
We analytically investigate the thermodynamic variables of a hot and dense system, in the framework of the Tsallis non-extensive classical statistics. After a brief review, we start by recalling the corresponding massless limits for all the thermodynamic variables. We then present the detail of calculation for the exact massive result regarding the pressure -- valid for all values of the $q$-parameter -- as well as the Tsallis $T$-, $mu$- and $m$- parameters, the former characterizing the non-extensivity of the system. The results for other thermodynamic variables, in the massive case, readily follow from appropriate differentiations of the pressure, for which we provide the necessary formulas. For the convenience of the reader, we tabulate all of our results. A special emphasis is put on the method used in order to perform these computations, which happens to reduce cumbersome momentum integrals into simpler ones. Numerical consistency between our analytic results and the corresponding usual numerical integrals are found to be perfectly consistent. Finally, it should be noted that our findings substantially simplify calculations within the Tsallis framework. The latter being extensively used in various different fields of science as for example, but not limited to, high-energy nucleus collisions, we hope to enlighten a number of possible applications.
This paper discusses the empirical evidence of Tsallis statistical functions in the personal income distribution of Brazil. Yearly samples from 1978 to 2014 were linearized by the q-logarithm and straight lines were fitted to the entire range of the income data in all samples, producing a two-parameters-only single function representation of the whole distribution in every year. The results showed that the time evolution of the parameters is periodic and plotting one in terms of the other reveals a cycle mostly clockwise. It was also found that the empirical data oscillate periodically around the fitted straight lines with the amplitude growing as the income values increase. Since the entire income data range can be fitted by a single function, this raises questions on previous results claiming that the income distribution is constituted by a well defined two-classes-base income structure, since such a division in two very distinct income classes might not be an intrinsic property of societies, but a consequence of an a priori fitting-choice procedure that may leave aside possibly important income dynamics at the intermediate levels.
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