Correction to: HZ-algebra spectra are differential graded algebras

Abstract in English

This correction article is actually unnecessary. The proof of Theorem 1.2, concerning commutative HQ-algebra spectra and commutative differential graded algebras, in the authors paper [American Journal of Mathematics vol. 129 (2007) 351-379 (arxiv:math/0209215v4)] is correct as originally stated. Neil Strickland carefully proved that D is symmetric monoidal; so Proposition 4.7 and hence also Theorem 1.2 hold as stated. Stricklands proof will appear in joint work with Stefan Schwede; see related work in Stricklands [arxiv:0810.1747]. Note here D is defined as a colimit of chain complexes; in contrast, non-symmetric monoidal functors analogous to D are defined as homotopy colimits of spaces in previous work of the author.
