Preliminary study of the anti-K N interaction in a chiral constituent quark model

Abstract in English

A preliminary investigation of the anti-K N interaction is performed within a chiral constituent quark model by solving the resonating group method (RGM) equation. The model parameters are taken from our previous work, which gave a satisfactory description of the S-, P-, D-, F-wave KN scattering phase shifts. The channel-coupling between anti-K N, pi Lambda and pi Sigma is considered, and the scattering phase shifts as well as the bound-state problem of anti-K N are dynamically studied. The results show that the S-wave anti-K N interaction in the isospin I=0 channel is attractive, and in the extended chiral SU(3) quark model such an attraction can make for an anti-K N bound state, which appears as a pi Sigma resonance in the coupled-channel calculation, while the chiral SU(3) quark model cannot accommodate the existence of an anti-K N bound state. It seems that the vector meson exchanges are necessary to be introduced in the quark-quark interactions if one tries to explain the Lambda(1405) as an anti-K N bound state or a pi Sigma - anti-K N resonance state.
