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We studied the non-equilibrium dynamics of the q-state Potts model in the square lattice, after a quench to sub-critical temperatures. By means of a continuous time Monte Carlo algorithm (non-conserved order parameter dynamics) we analyzed the long term behavior of the energy and relaxation time for a wide range of quench temperatures and system sizes. For q>4 we found the existence of different dynamical regimes, according to quench temperature range. At low (but finite) temperatures and very long times the Lifshitz-Allen-Cahn domain growth behavior is interrupted with finite probability when the system stuck in highly symmetric non-equilibrium metastable states, which induce activation in the domain growth, in agreement with early predictions of Lifshitz [JETP 42, 1354 (1962)]. Moreover, if the temperature is very low, the system always gets stuck at short times in a highly disordered metastable states with finite life time, which have been recently identified as glassy states. The finite size scaling properties of the different relaxation times involved, as well as their temperature dependency are analyzed in detail.
The surface and bulk properties of the two-dimensional Q > 4 state Potts model in the vicinity of the first order bulk transition point have been studied by exact calculations and by density matrix renormalization group techniques. For the surface transition the complete analytical solution of the problem is presented in the $Q to infty$ limit, including the critical and tricritical exponents, magnetization profiles and scaling functions. According to the accurate numerical results the universality class of the surface transition is independent of the value of Q > 4. For the bulk transition we have numerically calculated the latent heat and the magnetization discontinuity and we have shown that the correlation lengths in the ordered and in the disordered phases are identical at the transition point.
Fortuin-Kastelyn clusters in the critical $Q$-state Potts model are conformally invariant fractals. We obtain simulation results for the fractal dimension of the complete and external (accessible) hulls for Q=1, 2, 3, and 4, on clusters that wrap around a cylindrical system. We find excellent agreement between these results and theoretical predictions. We also obtain the probability distributions of the hull lengths and maximal heights of the clusters in this geometry and provide a conjecture for their form.
We demonstrate that the occurrence of symmetry breaking phase transitions together with the emergence of a local order parameter in classical statistical physics is a consequence of the geometrical structure of probability space. To this end we investigate convex sets generated by expectation values of certain observables with respect to all possible probability distributions of classical q-state spins on a two-dimensional lattice, for several values of q. The extreme points of these sets are then given by thermal Gibbs states of the classical q-state Potts model. As symmetry breaking phase transitions and the emergence of associated order parameters are signaled by the appearance ruled surfaces on these sets, this implies that symmetry breaking is ultimately a consequence of the geometrical structure of probability space. In particular we identify the different features arising for continuous and first order phase transitions and show how to obtain critical exponents and susceptibilities from the geometrical shape of the surface set. Such convex sets thus also constitute a novel and very intuitive way of constructing phase diagrams for many body systems, as all thermodynamically relevant quantities can be very naturally read off from these sets.
Evaporation/condensation transition of the Potts model on square lattice is numerically investigated by the Wang-Landau sampling method. Intrinsically system size dependent discrete transition between supersaturation state and phase-separation state is observed in the microcanonical ensemble by changing constrained internal energy. We calculate the microcanonical temperature, as a derivative of microcanonical entropy, and condensation ratio, and perform a finite size scaling of them to indicate clear tendency of numerical data to converge to the infinite size limit predicted by phenomenological theory for the isotherm lattice gas model.
We applied the simulated tempering and magnetizing (STM) method to the two-dimensional three-state Potts model in an external magnetic field in order to perform further investigations of the STMs applicability. The temperature as well as the external field are treated as dynamical variables updated during the STM simulations. After we obtained adequate information for several lattice sizes $L$ (up to $160times 160$), we also performed a number of conventional canonical simulations of large lattices, especially in order to illustrate the crossover behavior of the Potts model in external field with increasing $L$. The temperature and external field for larger lattice size simulations were chosen by extrapolation of the detail information obtained by STM. We carefully analyzed the crossover scaling at the phase transitions with respect to the lattice size as well as the temperature and external field. The crossover behavior is clearly observed in the simulations in agreement with theoretical predictions.