The Initial-Final Mass Relation: Direct Constraints at the Low Mass End

Abstract in English

The initial-final mass relation represents a mapping between the mass of a white dwarf remnant and the mass that the hydrogen burning main-sequence star that created it once had. The relation thus far has been constrained using a sample of ~40 stars in young open clusters, ranging in initial mass from ~2.75 -- 7 Msun, and shows a general trend that connects higher mass main-sequence stars with higher mass white dwarfs. In this paper, we present CFHT/CFH12K photometric and Keck/LRIS multiobject spectroscopic observations of a sample of 22 white dwarfs in two older open clusters, NGC 7789 (t = 1.4 Gyr) and NGC 6819 (t = 2.5 Gyr). We measure masses for the highest S/N spectra by fitting the Balmer lines to atmosphere models and place the first direct constraints on the low mass end of the initial-final mass relation. Our results indicate that the observed general trend at higher masses continues down to low masses, with M_initial = 1.16 Msun main-sequence stars forming M_final = 0.53 Msun white dwarfs (including our data from the very old open cluster, NGC 6791). This extention of the relation represents a four fold increase in the total number of hydrogen burning stars for which the integrated mass loss can now be calculated, assuming a Salpeter initial mass function. The new leverage at the low mass end is used to derive a purely empirical initial-final mass relation without the need for any indirectly derived anchor points. The sample of white dwarfs in these clusters also shows several very interesting systems that we discuss further: a DB (helium atmosphere) white dwarf, a magnetic white dwarf, a DAB (mixed hydrogen/helium atmosphere or a double degenerate DA+DB) white dwarf(s), and two possible equal mass DA double degenerate binary systems.
