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The Local Galaxy 8 micron Luminosity Function

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 Added by Jiasheng Huang
 Publication date 2007
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A SST survey in the NOAO Deep-Wide Field in Bootes provides a complete, 8-micron-selected sample of galaxies to a limiting (Vega) magnitude of 13.5. In the 6.88 deg$^2$ field sampled, 79% of the 4867 galaxies have spectroscopic redshifts, allowing an accurate determination of the local (z<0.3) galaxy luminosity function. Stellar and dust emission can be separated on the basis of observed galaxy colors. Dust emission (mostly PAH) accounts for 80% of the 8 micron luminosity, stellar photospheres account for 19%, and AGN emission accounts for roughly 1 %. A sub-sample of the 8 micron-selected galaxies have blue, early-type colors, but even most of these have significant PAH emission. The luminosity functions for the total 8 micron luminosity and for the dust emission alone are both well fit by Schechter functions. For the 8 micron luminosity function, the characteristic luminosity is u L_{ u}^*(8.0 micron) = 1.8 times 10^{10}$ Lsun while for the dust emission alone it is 1.6 x 10^{10}$ Lsun ull. The average 8 micron luminosity density at z<0.3 is 3.1 x 10^7 Lsun Mpc^{-3}, and the average luminosity density from dust alone is 2.5 x 10^7 Lsun Mpc^{-3}. This luminos ity arises predominantly from galaxies with 8 micron luminosities ($ u L_{ u}$) between $2times 10^9$ and $2 x 10^{10}$ Lsun, i.e., normal galaxies, not LIRGs or ULIRGs.

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81 - J.R. Whitbourn 2016
Whitbourn & Shanks (2014) have reported evidence for a local void underdense by ~15% extending to 150-300h-1Mpc around our position in the Southern Galactic Cap (SGC). Assuming a local luminosity function they modelled K- and r-limited number counts and redshift distributions in the 6dFGS/2MASS and SDSS redshift surveys and derived normalised n(z) ratios relative to the standard homogeneous cosmological model. Here we test further these results using maximum likelihood techniques that solve for the galaxy density distributions and the galaxy luminosity function simultaneously. We confirm the results from the previous analysis in terms of the number density distributions, indicating that our detection of the Local Hole in the SGC is robust to the assumption of either our previous, or newly estimated, luminosity functions. However, there are discrepancies with previously published K and r band luminosity functions. In particular the r-band luminosity function has a steeper faint end slope than the r0.1 results of Blanton et al. (2003) but is consistent with the r0.1 results of Montero-Dorta & Prada (2009); Loveday et al. (2012).
We present a Bayesian framework to account for the magnification bias from both strong and weak gravitational lensing in estimates of high-redshift galaxy luminosity functions. We illustrate our method by estimating the $zsim8$ UV luminosity function using a sample of 97 Y-band dropouts (Lyman break galaxies) found in the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) survey and from the literature. We find the luminosity function is well described by a Schechter function with characteristic magnitude of $M^star = -19.85^{+0.30}_{-0.35}$, faint-end slope of $alpha = -1.72^{+0.30}_{-0.29}$, and number density of $log_{10} Psi^star [textrm{Mpc}^{-3}] = -3.00^{+0.23}_{-0.31}$. These parameters are consistent within the uncertainties with those inferred from the same sample without accounting for the magnification bias, demonstrating that the effect is small for current surveys at $zsim8$, and cannot account for the apparent overdensity of bright galaxies compared to a Schechter function found recently by Bowler et al. (2014a,b) and Finkelstein et al. (2014). We estimate that the probability of finding a strongly lensed $zsim8$ source in our sample is in the range $sim 3-15 %$ depending on limiting magnitude. We identify one strongly-lensed candidate and three cases of intermediate lensing in BoRG (estimated magnification $mu>1.4$) in addition to the previously known candidate group-scale strong lens. Using a range of theoretical luminosity functions we conclude that magnification bias will dominate wide field surveys -- such as those planned for the Euclid and WFIRST missions -- especially at $z>10$. Magnification bias will need to be accounted for in order to derive accurate estimates of high-redshift luminosity functions in these surveys and to distinguish between galaxy formation models.
We present the results of a determination of the galaxy luminosity function at ultraviolet wavelengths at redshifts of $z=0.0-0.1$ from GALEX data. We determined the luminosity function in the GALEX FUV and NUV bands from a sample of galaxies with UV magnitudes between 17 and 20 that are drawn from a total of 56.73 deg^2 of GALEX fields overlapping the b_j-selected 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. The resulting luminosity functions are fainter than previous UV estimates and result in total UV luminosity densities of 10^(25.55+/-0.12) ergs s^-1 Hz^-1 Mpc^-3 and 10^(25.72+/-0.12) ergs s^-1 Hz^-1 Mpc^-3 at 1530 Ang. and 2310 Ang., respectively. This corresponds to a local star formation rate density in agreement with previous estimates made with H-alpha-selected data for reasonable assumptions about the UV extinction.
206 - C.S. Kochanek 2000
We measured the K-band luminosity function using a complete sample of 4192 morphologically-typed 2MASS galaxies with 7 < K < 11.25 mag spread over 2.12 str. Early-type (T < -0.5) and late-type (T > -0.5) galaxies have similarly shaped luminosity functions, alpha_e=-0.92+/-0.10 and alpha_l=-0.87+/-0.09. The early-type galaxies are brighter, M_*e=-23.53+/-0.06 mag compared to M_*l=-22.98pm0.06 mag, but less numerous, n_*e=(0.0045+/-0.0006)h^3/Mpc^3 compared to n_*l=(0.0101+/-0.0013)h^3/Mpc^3 for H_0=100h km/s Mpc, such that the late-type galaxies slightly dominate the K-band luminosity density, j_late/j_early=1.17+/-0.12. Our morphological classifications are internally consistent, consistent with previous classifications and lead to luminosity functions unaffected by the estimated uncertainties in the classifications. These luminosity functions accurately predict the K-band number counts and redshift distributions for K < 18 mag, beyond which the results depend on galaxy evolution and merger histories.
Local luminosity functions are fundamental benchmarks for high-redshift galaxy formation and evolution studies as well as for models describing these processes. Determining the local luminosity function in the submillimeter range can help to better constrain in particular the bolometric luminosity density in the local Universe, and Herschel offers the first opportunity to do so in an unbiased way by imaging large sky areas at several submillimeter wavelengths. We present the first Herschel measurement of the submillimeter 0<z<0.2 local luminosity function and infrared bolometric (8-1000 $mu$m) local luminosity density based on SPIRE data from the HerMES Herschel Key Program over 14.7 deg^2. Flux measurements in the three SPIRE channels at 250, 350 and 500 mum are combined with Spitzer photometry and archival data. We fit the observed optical-to-submillimeter spectral energy distribution of SPIRE sources and use the 1/V_{max} estimator to provide the first constraints on the monochromatic 250, 350 and 500 mum as well as on the infrared bolometric (8-1000 mum) local luminosity function based on Herschel data. We compare our results with modeling predictions and find a slightly more abundant local submillimeter population than predicted by a number of models. Our measurement of the infrared bolometric (8-1000 mum) local luminosity function suggests a flat slope at low luminosity, and the inferred local luminosity density, 1.31_-0.21^+0.24 x 10^8 Lsun Mpc^-3, is consistent with the range of values reported in recent literature.
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