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Electromagnetic polarizabilities and the excited states of the nucleon

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 Added by Martin Schumacher
 Publication date 2007
and research's language is English

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The electromagnetic polarizabilities of the nucleon are shown to be essentially composed of the nonresonant $alpha_p(E_{0+})=+3.2$, $alpha_n(E_{0+})=+4.1$,the $t$-channel $alpha^t_{p,n}=-beta^t_{p,n}=+7.6$ and the resonant $beta_{p,n}(P_{33}(1232))=+8.3$ contributions (in units of $10^{-4}$fm$^3$. The remaining deviations from the experimental data $Deltaalpha_p=1.2pm 0.6$, $Deltabeta_p=1.2mp 0.6$, Deltaalpha_n=0.8pm 1.7$ and $Deltabeta_n=2.0mp 1.8$ are contributed by a larger number of resonant and nonresonant processes with cancellations between the contributions. This result confirms that dominant contributions to the electric and magnetic polarizabilities may be represented in terms of two-photon couplings to the $sigma$-meson having the predicted mass $m_sigma=666$ MeV and two-photon width $Gamma_{gammagamma}=2.6$ keV.

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The low-energy amplitude of Compton scattering on the bound state of two charged particles of arbitrary masses, charges and spins is calculated. A case in which the bound state exists due to electromagnetic interaction (QED) is considered. The term, proportional to $omega^2$, is obtained taking into account the first relativistic correction. It is shown that the complete result for this correction differs essentially from the commonly used term $Deltaalpha$, proportional to the r.m.s. charge radius of the system. We propose that the same situation can take place in the more complicated case of hadrons.
197 - A. J. Buchmann 2010
A group theoretical derivation of a relation between the N --> Delta charge quadrupole transition and neutron charge form factors is presented.
Experimental form factors of the hydrogen and helium isotopes, extracted from an up-to-date global analysis of cross sections and polarization observables measured in elastic electron scattering from these systems, are compared to predictions obtained in three different theoretical approaches: the first is based on realistic interactions and currents, including relativistic corrections (labeled as the conventional approach); the second relies on a chiral effective field theory description of the strong and electromagnetic interactions in nuclei (labeled $chi$EFT); the third utilizes a fully relativistic treatment of nuclear dynamics as implemented in the covariant spectator theory (labeled CST). For momentum transfers below $Q lesssim 5$ fm$^{-1}$ there is satisfactory agreement between experimental data and theoretical results in all three approaches. However, at $Q gtrsim 5$ fm$^{-1}$, particularly in the case of the deuteron, a relativistic treatment of the dynamics, as is done in the CST, is necessary. The experimental data on the deuteron $A$ structure function extend to $Q simeq 12$ fm$^{-1}$, and the close agreement between these data and the CST results suggests that, even in this extreme kinematical regime, there is no evidence for new effects coming from quark and gluon degrees of freedom at short distances.
The energies of the excited states of the Nucleon, $Delta$ and $Omega$ are computed in lattice QCD, using two light quarks and one strange quark on anisotropic lattices. The calculation is performed at three values of the light quark mass, corresponding to pion masses $m_{pi}$ = 392(4), 438(3) and 521(3) MeV. We employ the variational method with a large basis of interpolating operators enabling six energies in each irreducible representation of the lattice to be distinguished clearly. We compare our calculation with the low-lying experimental spectrum, with which we find reasonable agreement in the pattern of states. The need to include operators that couple to the expected multi-hadron states in the spectrum is clearly identified.
135 - B. Pasquini 2011
We review recent developments in the theoretical investigation of the nucleon polarizabilities. We first report on the static polarizabilities as measured in real Compton scattering, comparing and interpreting the results from various theoretical approaches. In a second step, we extend the discussion to the generalized polarizabilities which can be accessed in virtual Compton scattering, showing how the information encoded in these quantities can provide a spatial interpretation of the induced polarization densities in the nucleon.
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