A Contribution studying of Alopecurus L. (Foxtail) - Poaceae

Abstract in English

This study contributes to the identification of plants in local flora for the purpose of preparing accurate classification of Syrian flora by specialists in plant classification. The objective of our research is - within this scopein the morphological study of species belonging to Alopecurus L. This study adds to the Syrian flora a new species (Alopecurus utriculatus Sol.) from the family (Poaceae), tribe (Poeae). Besides, two another subspecies of (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) were studied. They are: A. subsp. Myosuroides and A. subsp. Tonsus. The study of these 3 samples included macro – morphological features such as: life form, leaf, ligule, inflorescence, glumes, lemmas, and flowers, and the micro – morphological features which are: abaxial surface of the leaf epiderm, and pollen grains. Macro – morphological study proved that the 3 samples are totally different in ligule shape, the shape and width of the cylindrical inflorescence, spikelet shape. And the micro – morphological study showed the similarity in epidermal structure in terms of the stomata pattern, , presence of hooks and prickles, but different in silica type. Pollen grains were elliptic and similar in the species and two subspecies.

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