The effectiveness of the role of faculties of physical education in the Syrian Arab Republic in the preparation of students

Abstract in English

Abstract Universities are considered the most important institutions that affect individuals and are affected by them. The three main functions of the university are education, scientific research and community service. Hence, it is necessary to emphasize the role of faculties of Physical Education as part of the university in the preparation and refinement of the skills and experiences of students including qualifying them professionally and giving them the necessary practical experience. The present age is the age of knowledge explosion. It is noted nowadays that there is a lack of interest in knowing the role of faculties of physical education in society. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the role of the faculties of Physical Education and the relevance of their outputs that can be seen in the large number of graduates to the latest advances of our age and cognitive development. Every improvement of the faculty is accompanied by a change in matching students in the future with business requirements. Hence, the researcher believes that it is necessary to consider the effectiveness of the role of faculties of physical education in the preparation of students and the development of their expertise and skills in light of the latest developments and in accordance with the requirements of working life. The researcher designed a questionnaire according to the scientific steps of its outline as a tool for research. The questionnaire was distributed to students of the Faculty of Physical Education in the governorate of Lattakia and Hama. The calculation of the final grades of each paragraph was then presented. At the end of the research, several conclusions and recommendations were reached: The educational, psychological, administrative, and professional factors (which have been mentioned) inside and outside colleges are some of the reasons that are responsible for weakening the role of colleges and their ability to influence students and prepare them to be proficient in the fields of their work and specialization in addition to the decline of motivation and desire of students to pursue the study. The needs for colleges to understand the need to make a change in their method of flooding the labor market with graduates without paying attention to the needs of this market and the needs of the community. Rather, they must build graduates who have ‘’global” characteristics that enable them to work and engage in any area according to the needs of society and the requirements of the labor market.

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