Religious life in Damascus between 1210-1224 AH / 1795-1809 AD through the documents of the Sharia Court in Damascus

Abstract in English

This research was based on the study of two records of the Sharia Court in Damascus, and they are kept in the Directorate of Historical Documents in Damascus under (4/3/2) and / 268 /. The first record includes the cases recorded in this court in the year 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1795, and contains (130) documents distributed on (72) pages of the average measurement, and begins with document number (1) In the middle of Jumada II 1210 AH, and ends with document No. (0 3 1) on page (72), which was partially damaged but the document was not completed with the end of the page, so its history is not known. The penultimate document and its number (129) are found on page 71. The second record (37 1) contains a document, and begins with document No. (1) dated Jumada II (224 AH), and ends with the penultimate document - the last document is incomplete and undated - dated Ramadan 1224 AH. However, the documents are not limited to the months mentioned But rather beyond the other months of the year. The documents studied differ in terms of the line and the safety of the papers on which they were written. We have been intercepted by many documents written in a rather illegible handwriting. Some of the records have been eroded, but it is noted that all the documents are not keen on the grammar of the language, and include general words, and similar to the method of construction in general literature era of decay.

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