Balkan wars and their impact in drawing the political Map of Europe in the early of 20th Century

Abstract in English

The study deals with the first and second wars of the Balkans (1912-1913) and the economic, social and political crises that ensued. In fact, the events of these complex and complex wars have since constituted a major problem for European countries. The research also discusses the policy of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans, its political and military status prior to the declaration of war, the Balkan alliance, the secret files of March 13 until the end of September 1912, and the peace talks between the two parties to the London Treaty of May 30, 1913. The former Balkan allies shared the spoils of the First War, the 1913 peace treaties and the outcome of the war.

References used

أوزتونا. يلماز, تاريخ الدولة العثمانية, ترجمة عدنان محمود سليمان, محمود الأنصاري, مؤسسة فيصل, استانبول 1988
بروكلمان. كارل, تاريخ الشعوب الإسلامية, ترجمة نبيه فارس و منير البعلبكي, بيروت 1955
مانتران. روبير, تاريخ الدولة العثمانية, ترجمة بشير السباعي, دار الفكر للدراسات, القاهرة.
