Effect of planting date on growth and productivity of red Cabbage Brassica oleracea var. capitata, form rubra

Abstract in English

The research was conducted in village Habbet in Hafa (Lattakia region) 300 meters above sea level during the period of 2016-2017 the plant material of the research is red cabbage Ruby King F1 hybrid in order to study the effect of planting date on growth and productivity of red cabbage. The study consisted of five different planting dates during the med of May, June, July, August and ,September months The completely randomized block design was used with four replications and twenty plants in replication . The study contains indicators: )leaf surface area, shape, volume, solidity and weight of cabbage heads, inner stem length, total and marketable yield, percentage of marketable yield and content of vitamin C) The results showed that planting treatment during August and September gave the superior results with significant difference in vegetative and productive indicators: leaf surface area, solidity and weight of cabbage heads, total yield )3394.8، 3654( kg/d respectively, marketable yield and percentage of marketable yield. While The planting during May, June, July was superior on content of vitamin C which was respectively (99.58, 98.68, 97.82 ( ml/100g with significant difference.

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