The argumentaion theory : Laders and Techniques

Abstract in English

The purpuse of the speech whatever its type is the inflence so the speaker tries so hard to produse linguistic words that direct the reciever towards a specific action.The importance of the argumintation theory lies in the depending on the speech techniques which the sender use in the speech .And which make his speech acceptable to the reciever.The argumentation theory started in the fields of Linguistics ,Logic ,Anthropology…etc and different other sciences.It becomes a complete theory after Perlman's researches which the scientists work on.All the analytists and researchers get benefit from in the communication and connecting theory.Relying on the speaker's techniques in achieving a successful connecting that leags to a real communication is the purpose of argumenation theory which is a still growing.And which considers the speech act theory as a scientific background.

References used

أبو بكر العزاوي : الحجاجيات اللسانية ، الأحمدية للنشر ،المغرب 2007
سامية الدريدي : الحجاج في الشعر العربي بنيته و أساليبه ، عالم الكتاب الحديث ، إربد ، الأردن ، 2011
طه عبد الرحمن : اللسان و الميزان أو التكوثر العقلي ، المركز الثقافي العربي ، المغرب ، ط1 1988
