Decrees Alhakm by-Amr Allah and his relationship with the people of Dhimah (386-411 AH/996-1020AD)

Abstract in English

The ruling Fatimid Caliph, Alhakm by-Amr Allah, is one of the most closed political figures in the history of Islamic Egypt. The " Alhakm " did not do much to govern himself until he issued many extraordinary social "records" and renounced the religious tolerance of his Fatimid caliphs He issued a number of records limiting their religious freedom, but the " Alhakm " did not continue this policy towards the people of the Dhimah, But issued four years before his disappearance (411 AH/1020AD) several decrees to free the freedom of worship for Christians and Jews.

References used

Morgan, R. History of the Coptic Orthodox people and the Church of Egypt. Canada , 2016
العبادي، أحمد مختار. في التاريخ العباسي و الفاطمي . دار النهضة العربية ، بيروت ، د . ت .
جمال الدين، عبد الله محمد. الدولة الفاطمية. دار الثقافة ، القاهرة 1991
