Developing IOT Environment by Using Publish/Subscribe Systems

Abstract in English

IOT sensors use the publish/subscribe model for communication to benefit from its decoupled nature with respect to space, time, and synchronization. Because of the heterogeneity of communicating parties, semantic decoupling is added as a fourth dimension. The added semantic decoupling complicates the matching process and reduces its efficiency. The proposed algorithm clusters subscriptions and events according to topic and performs the matching process within these clusters, which increases the throughput by reducing the matching time . Moreover, the accuracy of matching is improved when subscriptions must be fully approximated . This work shows the benefit of clustering, as well as the improvement in the matching accuracy and efficiency achieved using this approach.

References used

RIVERA,J;VANDER,M ; GARTNER,R , , (accessed on 31 APRIL 2018)
RIVERA,J;VANDER,M ; GARTNER,R , , (accessed on 31 APRIL 2018)
SERRANO, M.; BARNAGHI, P.; CARREZ, F.; COUSIN, P. " Internet of Things: IoT Semantic Interoperability: Research Challenges " http://www.internet-of-thingsresearch. eu/pdf/IERC_Position_Paper_IoT_Semantic_Interoperability_Final.pdf (accessed on 2 September 2017)
