Mechanisms of forming the councils of local administration units, and their role in local development

Abstract in English

Achieving the intended purpose of the local administration requires carful selection of the elements assigned to work in local units, which requires that those elements are aware of local reality and have sufficient technical expertise. In the context of the inability of the method used in forming local councils to achieve the objectives of local administration, the jurisprudence and legislation differ in determining the method to be followed within the priority of those objectives and within the political ،economic ،and social reality in each country. Where some systems tend to adopt the election in selecting the members of local councils , while others tend to adopt the method of appointing or the combination of (election and appointing) methods in order to take the advantages of both methods . But, it is the need and desire of prevailing legal system and the possibilities available , that determine the method to be adopted.

References used

SERGE Velly, droit administratif, 2ed, 1999, Paris
JEAN Rivero، droit administratif, Dalloz Paris, 1980
David Gillies, Human Rights, democracy and good governance, Google ، December, 2006
