Genetic Behavior of Some Quantitative Traits of Yellow Maize (Zea mays L.) Single Crosses
published by المجلة السورية للبحوث الزراعية
in 2017
in Field Crops
and research's language is
Abstract in English
Half diallel set of crosses between six inbred lines of maize were executed at Maize
Research Department, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research
(GCSAR), Syria, during 2010 and 2011 seasons to study heterosis, general and
specific combining ability components for grain yield (ton/ha), ear height, length and
diameter (cm), and silking date (day) compared with control varieties Basel-1 and
the hybrid Spirou S-4- 985 to identify the best hybrid in terms of yield. Randomized
Completely Block Design (RCBD) was used with three replicates.
References used
Abd El Aty, M.S.; and Y.S. Katta (2002). Estimation of heterosis and combining ability for yield and other agronomic traits in maize hybrids (Zea mays L.). J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 27(8):5137- 5146
Alam, A.K.M.M.; S. Ahmed; M. Begum; and M.K. Sultan (2008). Heterosis and combining ability for grain yield and its contributing characters in maize. Bangladesh. J. Agril. Res., 33(3):375- 379
Bruce, A.B. (1910). The Mendelian theory of heredity and the augmentation of vigour. Science. 32:627- 628