Improving Local Population of Vicia sativa Using Individual Selection

Abstract in English

The research was conducted in Al-Bassa village, Lattakia Governorate/Syria, during the agricultural seasons 2014/2015 and 2015/2016, in order to study the most important economic traits of the selected plants from plant population of local vetch, which seeds was obtained from farmers who keep their local seeds and grow it season after another. The analysis of variance results (ANOVA) showed significant differences between the selected plants (200 plants) in all studied traits, which shows the importance and effectiveness of the individual selection to get high degree of homogeneity plants, which have many desired phenological, morphological, physiological and productivity characteristics of local vetch. Taking into consideration that seed productivity was adopted as a determining factor for the election. The study also showed the possibility of increasing the productivity of the local vetch populations through the use of superior plants selection (plants No. 9, 21, 26, 47, 52, 78, 105, 118, and 199), and the possibility of doubling production through the use of promising plants which were selected (plants No. 9, 26, 47, and 199), and use them in subsequent breeding programs, as they represent an important genetic tank of many desirable traits.

References used

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