Studying Functions and Utilisations of the Vegetation in Al-Kahf Protected Area (Tartous-Syria)

Abstract in English

The aim of this study was to study the plant species diversity at Al-Kahaf protected area in A-Sheikh Badr region, Tartous governorate, in terms of functional characteristics of the recorded plant species, its uses. The results can contribute in understanding, and determining the role of those plant species for ecosystem function and local community and help in the management of this protected area. Plant species diversity was studied on three versants; using the intercepted line method; and in the watercourses surrounding Al Kahaf castle. Additional surveys have also been conducted over the whole site. Life forms, dispersal types, and the uses of these species were recorded. The recorded species belong to 53 plant family. Fabaceae was the most represented family (17 species), followed by Asteraceae (12 species), and Lamiaceae (11 species).

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