Competitiveness of Syrian Apple Exports

Abstract in English

The aim of this research was to analyze the current structure of Syrian apple exports, and highlighting the relative advantage of this crop and its competitive position on the markets of the key importing countries of Syrian apples. The analysis was based on secondary data published by FAO during 2000-2013. Descriptive statistical analyses were used, in addition to estimates of time trend equations to identify the evolution in quantity, value and price of both Syrian apple exports and imports, and to determine certain indicators of export competitiveness, besides to applicate the linear programming model for optimal distribution of Syrian apple exports.

References used

Porter, M. (1990). The competitive advantage of nation. Harvard Businesses Review, March-April
William. A.M.; and A.W. Nelson (1995). Measuring the comparative advantage of agricultural activities: Domestic Resource, Costs and Social Cost-Benefit Ratio, Am. J. Ag. Econ., 77(2 )
