Effect of addittion Vitamin E and Selenium and conservation degree (4c⁰) on motility and viability of local rooster sperm

Abstract in English

In this study are evaluated the effects of addition of vitamin E and Selenium on the sperm motility and vitality of Syrian rooster, at storing at 4 C⁰ for 24 and 48 hours. The Results showed that the addition of both vitamin E and E with Selenium improved the sperm vitality and movement, but the vibration movement was decreased during 24 and 48 hours. Our results also showed that the concentration of (5mg E+0.6mg Se) gave the highest value of sperm vitality, rapid and slow movement with 17.79%, 10.65%, 8. 28% respectively for 24 hours, and 19.29%, 10.06% 10.37% respectively for 48 hours. Whereas the concentration of (10 mgE+0.6 Se) gave the lowest values of mentionned parameters. Contrarily, the first concentration gave the lowest and the second the highest values of the vibration movement. Finally, the statistical analysis (p<0.001) showed a significant difference between studied parameters.

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