Dissolved Nutrients Behavior Along The Salinity Gradient At The AL-Kabir Alshemali River Mouth (Mediterranean - Syria)

Abstract in English

The study, has Focused on determination of the most important hydrochemical characteristics of water at AL-kabir alshemali estuary area by determination the concentration of nutrient ions (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphates and silicates) and the factors affecting them. Water samples were collected from several stations of that area between March 2017 and January 2018. The highest concentrations of nutrient throughout the year were reported at river estuary point (K0), a depression in their concentrations was observed in the station distanced away from the river estuary point, compatible with salinity gradient. River estuary point (K0) formed the main source of nutrients that are distributed to other stations. Nutrient concentrations showed clear gradual depression in winter down to more than 1,000 meters from the estuary point, while the gradient in summer has less extension, It was within the first 50 meters in some monthes.

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