The concept of displacement (Reading in the positions of the most important Western and Arab pioneers)

Abstract in English

Based on the above research, we see that displacement is a distinctive aesthetic feature in the art of the text, and it is of interest to it, and its proper presence in the studies of criticism and stylistic, so this research sought to explore its uses in Western and Arab thought. It should be noted that the affective charge of displacement reveals the emotional (moral) dimension of displacement in its rhythmic, syntactic and semantic contexts.

References used

الأسلوب و الأسلوبية – بيرغيرو : تر : منذر عياش مركز الإهداء القومي ، د. ت.
البحث الدلالي في كتاب سيبويه، خوش جار الله حسين دزة بي، دار المعتز، 2007 م.
فن الشعر، لأرسطو تر : ابن سينا ، تح : عبد الرحمن بدوي دار الثقافة بيروت د . ت.
