Representations of Poetic Heritage in Andalusian Prose

Abstract in English

The Andalusian prose has a history of greatness , and quality in which it is written . This research comes to prove the admiration of the Andalusian ى writers of the Oriental heritage in general , and poetry in particular, despite their different ideological and literary attitudes , by revealing the manifestations of poetic heritage in the Andalusian prose , and highlighting the most prominent poets influenced by the writers of Andalusia , and took from their poetic texts to meet their literary needs .

References used

AL-drobi , Mohammed , 1991 , Technical letters in the Abbasid period until the end of the third century . dar alfikr , Amman
Azzam , Dr. Mohammed , 2001 , Absent text . Publications of the Arab Writers Union , Damascus
Midan , Ayman Mohammed , (d.t) , Literary dialogue between the East and Andalusia . dar al-Wafaa , Al-exandria
