Abstract in English

It aims at research paper to study the aesthetic of repetition in the poetry of (Badwi Aljabl) while trying to find out the nature of this technique, its structure, its aesthetic formulation, which included Repetition of the word, repetition of the phrase, repetition of the phrase, the repetition of the syllable, the initial repetition, to detect its rhythmic energies, its moral horizons, its psychological dimensions, its constructive architecture, its affective potential, and its abilities to suggest the creator's experiences and also how far the poet to well structured using it as an effective tool in its poetic text.

References used

إبراهيم أنيس ,موسيقى الشعر , دار القلم ,بيروت, ط4, 1972م.
ابن منظور, لسان العرب, دار صادر, بيروت, لبنان, ط1, 1997.
بدوي الجبل, الديوان, مؤسسة النشر الإسلامي , قم المقدسة , إيران, ط2, 2000
