The role of university youth in the different developmental fields of society Field study on the students of Damascus University
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2018
in Literature
and research's language is
Abstract in English
The study aimed to identify the role of university youth in
achieving development in its different dimensions (sociocultural-
social-political). To achieve this goal, the researcher
prepared a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of
students of Damascus University, consisting of 566 students.
References used
Barnett, Rosemary &Brennan,M(2006): Integrating Youth into Community Development, journal of youth development, 1(1),university of Folrida
رحال، عمر ( 2005 )، الشباب و الأطر و المشاريع و النوادي الشبابية ، بحث مقدم إلى منتدى شارك الشبابي، فلسطين.