Humor and irony in the tale on the tongue of animals at Lafontaine and Ahmed Shawki

Abstract in English

The goal of the poets Lafontaine and Shawki to employ ridicule and humor in their tales on the tongue of animals, is to create moral values related to the spirit of the times and events, and provide the sermon and the lesson resulting from experience and depth of suffering, and enjoy the reader and entertain himself.

References used

Prop, Vladimir, 1996 CE – 1416 AH, the mythology of the story. Translation: Dr. Abdul Karim Hasan, Dr. Samira Ben Amo, I, Sheraa for Studies and Publishing, Damascus
Alhlwi, Hassib, 1956 CE, French literature in his golden age. part 3, edition 2
Hamida, Dr. Abdul Razzaq, 1951CE, Animal Stories in Arabic Literature. The Anglo- Egyptian Library, Cairo
