A New Method For Evaluating Limiting Drawing Ratio Considering the Fracture Criteria During the Deep Drawing of Cylindrical Cup
published by Aِl-Baath University
in 2018
and research's language is
Abstract in English
In this paper an improved analytical method for estimating the limiting
drawing ratio (LDR) for deep drawing of cylindrical cup (the first
drawing stage) is presented . In this method, the effects of
parameters such as blank holder force , coefficient of friction, strain
hardening exponent, normal plastic anisotropy ratio on LDR is
investigated .
References used
Leu,D 1999 The limiting drawing ratio for plastic instability of the cup-drawing process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 168-176
Verma,R and Chandra,S 2006 An improved model for predicting limiting drawing ratio, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 218-224
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