Using Fixed Bed Columns packed with natural zeolite to Removal heavy metals from Industrial wastewater of Banias Refinary

Abstract in English

Fixed bed adsorption columns packed with natural zeolite were used to study the kinetics of heavy metals removal from the single component solutions of Vanadium, Nikle, Zinc, and Lead. The system parameters studied include solution flow rate and bed height. The effect of competing cations was also studied to establish the effectiveness of natural zeolite in treating Industrial wastewater under continuous conditions using fixed bed columns. The metal loaded natural zeolite was regenerated using NaCl . The results from column studies showed that the Slower flow rates gave better removal efficiencies compared to faster ones, Longer bed heights also resulted in greater adsorption efficiencies. The bed depth service time (BDST) model was successfully used to simulate experimental results at 30 % breakthrough. This model provides the necessary parameters needed for fixed bed column design, the factor R2 ranged between 0.91 – 0.95. Natural zeolite was exposed to 3 cycles of adsorption and desorption. The efficiency of the column in removing heavy metals was high, The results indicate that natural zeolite can be regenerated and re-used in removing heavy metals from solution.

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