A Comparison of Simple in Situ Tests and Laboratory Tests to Determine Unconfined Compressive Strength of Khneifees Phosphate Mine Rocks

Abstract in English

In this research, site investigations and tests were performed in Khneifees phosphate mine. Samples of the studied rocks were brought to the laboratory and tests were performed. The types of these rocks are clayey limestone, organic limestone, white and gray trepolite, opoka, chert and phosphate.The tests were performed according to "American Standards for Testing of Materials" (ASTM), and the recommendations of "International Society for Rock Mechanics" (ISRM).

References used

BS 5930, (1983), "Code of Practice for site Investigations", British Standards Institution (BSI), London, 147 p
Hack, R. and Huisman, M. (2002), "Estimating the Intact Rock Strength of a Rock Mass by Simple Means", International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment. Durban, South Africa, pp. 1971-1977
Australian Standard 1726, (1993), "The Australian National Groundwater Data Transfer Standard", Commonwealth of Australia
