And its Role in Prospering the Scientific & Educational Movement in Palestine At Al Mamaleek Era

Abstract in English

This research has targeted to present Al Waqf fact which is legislated by Islam and stating its legal judgment along with evidences, as well as this research has presented Al Waqf role in prospering the Educational & scientific movement in Palestine at Al Mamaleek era, where it indicated to Al Waqf role in financing the religious establishments such as (Mosques ,schools ,chokes ,corners ,libraries ,children houses , kindergartens ,and also the different religious issues.

References used

Buhl, Fr. (1927) Al kuds , the Encyclopedia of Islam , New Edition ,Leiden, Brill, Vol .ll
النباهين،علي (2010): تاريخ الفكر التربوي في العصور القديمة إلى العصور الحديثة، غزة.
